Summertime by George Gershwin

George Gershwin
Summertime lyrics

And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Oh, Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll take to the sky

But until that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With your daddy and mammy standing by

And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exorcising the Boom in my Apartment

What causes the HS2 euphemism in the river valley, along Whyte Ave., and along Mill Creek ravine. The old Esso station on 105th &; Whyte would make a nice daisy bed if it weren't for the "fog". When last in Edmonton walking along 91st ave and throughout the Bonnie Doon area, I met with many people ressembling David William Murray. I oft wondered about his safety and his connection to the Fawt. Just like a pogrom victim, bit for the very first time, I called upon community 'officials' to aske what the orange substance on my apartment floor was. I told 'em there was ground shine outside along the sewer line of 91st St. There had been at least 40 men dissimilar to d.w.murray walking by wherever I was,  so I was led to think of Murray chemical and the chemical valley many times in those days. I did not call the oie execs; some "came over", touching my body with their perfect mind, much to my dismay, until I was evicted as though I had invited 'em.

The blue machine says I've been 'aprized of my rights, but I wasn't _knowing_ that "too much overkill can only make a bad 'ting", until around the time of the Harper election in October, 2008. I moved to the apartment in Bonnie Doon, the year of the Martin Lockheed census for Canada. I  frequently heard the stomping of boots on the floor above, like soldiers returning after marching in winter, cleaning their boots of snow still in synchrony. But instead they were trying to frighten me out of the location. The man in charge of the office for Health ressembled R.A.Lockhart, a professor of statistics at SFU. But Daryl Hagen played a nazi at the Fringe. Tom Haglund a former neighbour in Ont. had been  porno bright. The friendships were obvious but they did not see me watching 'em stalking, except by pinning down details with  the flop of a cray fish. A farmer _knows_ you never let the soil get this bad; some of 'em were miners kids.

I left the city the morning of Oct. 15th, 2008. There were puddles of silvery pus-like liquid on the streets, pooling on the hill above the Kinsman Centre as well. I wondered if there was a connection to the dead trees a bit further down towards the Kinsman. My brain had burst because of the 'election activities' during the previous days.

At the bus-depot downtown, the pus was ankle deep. My feet felt like I'd dipped them in silver and I decided to leave the depot, the city, the people of the fog, and the pus for good or worse.


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